2023 Barrett Frick Scholarship Recipients
This year, we received 30 applications from several counties and different schools. We are blown away by the support and growth since last year. We are honored to be an outlet for Seniors to share their stories and hope that all our applicants continue to raise awareness about the importance of mental health as they pursue their college opportunities.
Our 2023 Barrett Frick Scholarship Recipients are:
Georgetown High School - Elijah Fesperman, Braxton Cribb
Johnsonville High School - Carly Chastain
Carvers Bay High School - Emalee Walter
East Clarendon High School - Madison Rauch
Laurence Manning Academy - Emily Isgett
Williamsburg Academy - Tucker Kline
Thank you to all our applicants, guidance counselors who facilitate this scholarship application and supporters who make this possible each year.